Upgrade Commons FileUpload from 1.5 to 2.0.0-M2.
Users of the miniorange-saml-sp plugin should upgrade to a compatible version in lockstep with upgrading Jenkins core.
(Apache Commons 2.0.0-M2 release notes)
Provide header parts as a tag library.
(pull 9223)
Avoid jumping layout due to tooltips.
(issue 73158)
Allow PKCS 12 certificates to be added to the credentials store again (regression in 2.453).
(issue 73166)
Restore No changes label when there are no changes in a build (regression in 2.453).
(issue 73168)
Handle svg cleanup via an xml document to avoid broken symbols.
(issue 73156)
Rename CloudSet query parameter type to cloudDescriptorName to avoid conflicts in Cloud implementations.
(issue 72622)
Treat lines of text (mainly in build logs) as completed by a single carriage return in addition to a newline or carriage return plus newline, avoiding an out of memory error if a large number of such lines are printed in sequence.
(issue 73090)
Add new CSS classes to avoid conflicts with CSS classes from bootstrap.
(issue 73114)
Developer: Add debugging information to remote classloaders.
(pull 9277)